One evening in June, while jogging around my home town on my usual 12 km route and witnessing a postcard-perfect sunset, I caught myself thinking that the times that I tend to notice things around me in finest details are either while running or exploring the world through a lens. Continue reading “Seeing the full picture”
Wedding in Austria
A couple of weeks ago I had a chance to take some photos in a small Austrian wedding in Steyr.
Thomas and Christina got married in the midst of old castle walls, the greenery of the surrounding park and their family, children and closest friends. Continue reading “Wedding in Austria”
A thought about travelling
One day a short while ago I caught myself thinking about travelling. What came out was something that vaguely resembles a poem (but would never really classify as one, of course).
No idea why I wrote it, it just sort of happened. Continue reading “A thought about travelling”
It’s been a while
It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Not that I didn’t want to. I just didn’t take time for it.
The last year has passed by like a blink of an eye. I have kept myself busy building a new internet bank for DNB and a new home for myself. Continue reading “It’s been a while”
Kuuba tahumatu ilu
Oktoobris ilmunud GO reisiajakirjas meenutan enda jaoks üllatavamaid seiku Kuubalt, mis panevad mind selles sombuses sügises taas päikesest unistama. Continue reading “Kuuba tahumatu ilu”
Morocco unveiled
A couple of weeks ago I returned from the journey to the Central and Southern part of Morocco. I discovered the Arabic kingdom of North Africa from the mountains to the desert, to the coast. Continue reading “Morocco unveiled”
Morocco, full of the unexpected
Morocco was the first African country that I set my foot on. I had been looking forward to it for a while and now that it became a reality I was rather surprised to find out that it is actually more of an Arabic country than the Africa of one’s imagination. Continue reading “Morocco, full of the unexpected”
Liiv, tuul ja tassike münditeed
Äsja poelettidele jõudnud Estraveller avaldas minu loo Marokost (lk 50-54), mille kesk- ja lõunaosale ma märtsis-aprillis paari nädalaga tiiru peale tegin. Lähipäevil panen üles ka Maroko reisilt kogunenud fotod.

Palawan, a positive surprise
With the arrival of the darkest winter months, I felt the growing urge to have a short laid-back do-nothing holiday. Continue reading “Palawan, a positive surprise”
Fotolugu GO reisiajakirjas
Detsembri GO reisiajakiri avaldas ühe minu artikli Kagu-Aasia mägiküladest koos hulga fotodega, mis võttis kokku mu paari aasta taguse reisi Tai, Myanmari, Laose ja Vietnami põhjapoolsetele aladele. Continue reading “Fotolugu GO reisiajakirjas”