On my way to work last Friday morning I realized with alarm that I had not yet started to feel the usual excitement about running a marathon. At previous times I had experienced the intimidating pre-race anxiety already a week before the event and at that moment I was only 48 hours away from the …
Author Archives: Maris
The colours and patterns in Vietnam
Following my previous post about a long forgotten trip to Laos, below are the photos from the few weeks I spent in Vietnam in 2010. I started out from the hot and humid South, amazed at the variety of food and the number of motorcycles that could fit in Ho Chi Minh City. I continued …
There’s something about Laos
Approximately 2 and a half years ago I spent a few weeks in Laos trekking in the villages of the Northern part of the country, then flying from the sleepy Vientiane to the sizzling hot Ho Chi Minh City and continuing my way up to the Sa Pa area in Vietnam. Somehow I never came …
Meeting by the stables
Anyone who knows Catlin, knows her infinite love for horses. She has been riding them ever since she was a child, that is almost every other day for the past few decades. That is why I wasn’t too surprised when she suggested that we take a few photos of her together with her dark brown …
That mellow evening light
What better way to pass time on a hot summer eve than to spend an hour or two outside by the sea, enjoying the last of the day’s soft yellow sunlight? It might just be one of the best times to go shoot some photos. And it certainly is one of my favourite times. It …
A glimpse of Venice
Even though this has been a blog in Estonian and for Estonians for some years, I recently found myself from a thought – what if I sometimes write here in English as well? The more I considered it, the more it started to make sense, given that many of my friends (and, indeed, some of …
Matk mägede südamesse
Sel kevadel Nepali nõlvadel matkates täitsin ühe oma kauaaegase soovi – näha Annapurna piirkonda. Endises kuningriigis veedetud kahest nädalast tervelt kaheksa päeva investeerisin ma retkele, mis viis mind pikkamööda otse Himaalaja mägede südamesse, kuni 4130 m kõrgusel asuvasse Annapurna baaslaagrisse. Looduse poolest oli matk ootamatult ilus ja mitmekesine, pakkudes lisaks rododendroniõites metsaradadele, trepjatele rohelistele orgudele …
Teekond, umbes täpselt selline
Jätkuks viimati avaldatud Varanasi fotodele, umbes täpselt selline nägi välja mu teekond Fatehpur Sikris, Agras ja Delhis. Need olid kohad, mida nägin, inimesed, keda kohtasin, ja hetked, mis mingil põhjusel mu kaadrisse jäid… Sel korral Indias tunnetasin eriti selgelt seda, et pildistamine pakkus mulle võimaluse vahetu kontakti loomiseks kohalike elanikega, hoolimata sellest, et me üht keelt …
Varanasi alleedel
The city illumines truth and reveals reality. It does not bring new wonders into the scope of vision, but enables one to see what is already there… – Diana L. Eck
India niidab jalust
Ainuüksi paar meetrit pärast India pinnale astumist oli maailm mu ümber tundmatuseni muutunud. Halli tolmupilve sisse mähkunud tänavad, maas vedelev praht ja muu läga, mootorsõidukite katkematu lärm ja varjamatu uudishimuga mind kui lähikonna ainsat valget inimest ainiti vahtivad näod… Hetkeks tekkis küsimus, kas ma siia olingi tahtnud tulla. Tõdesin, et olin juba unustanud, milline India olla …